Chancellor of Austria 1986-1997
Date and place of birth:
4 October 1937, Vienna, Austria.
- Doctorate in Business Studies, Vienna University of Business and Economics, 1969
Professional experience and political career:
- Austrian National Bank, 1961-70
- Adviser on Economic and Financial Affairs to Minister of Finance, 1970-76
- Deputy Chairman of the Board, Creditanstalt-Bankverein, 1976-81
- Chairman of the Board of Österreichische Länderbank, 1981-84
- Minister of Finance, 1984-86
- Chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Austria, 1988-97 and one of the Vice Presidents of Socialist International
- Founder and Honorary President of the Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue, 1993-
- Awarded Fulbright Prize for his services to Eastern Europe after the dismantling of the Iron Curtain, 1995
- Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Danish Foreign Minister H. Petersen, for the OSCE Special Mission to Albania, 1997
- Special Adviser to WestLB, 1997-2004
- Chair of the InterAction Council 2010-2015