The Publications section contains final communiqués, reports, speeches, papers and books produced by or submitted to the InterAction Council.
To Create a Stable International Financial System Chairman's Report 28 March 1996 Geneva, Switzerland
The Challenge to Balance Population Increase and Food Supply Chairman's Report 10 April 1995 Tokyo, Japan
The Future Role of the Global Multilateral Organizations Chairman's Report 07 May 1994 The Hague, The Netherlands
The Lessons of the German Unification Process for Korea Chairman's Report 17 February 1993 Paris, France
The Search for Global Order: The Problems of Survival Chairman's Report 07 January 1992 Petersberg, Germany
The Role of Central Banks in Globalized Financial Markets Chairman's Report 19 April 1991 Paris, France
Economies in Transformation: Limitations and Potential of Transition Process Chairman's Report 06 April 1991 London, United Kingdom