The InterAction Council held its 36th Annual Plenary Meeting in Cartagena, Colombia, from 14 to 16 May 2019.
This meeting was comprised of the following sessions:
- Present State of the World with focus on Venezuela
- Durable and Ethical Solutions for Migrants and Refugees
- Human Development: The Arctic, Climate Change and Indicators of Sustainability
- Beyond Smart Cities: The Wise Cities of the Future
InterAction Council Members
- The Hon. Bertie Ahern, Co-Chairman (former Prime Minister), Ireland
- H.E. Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo, Co-Chairman (former President), Nigeria
- H.E. Mr. Andrés Pastrana, Organizing Chairman (former President), Colombia
- The Rt. Hon. James Bolger (former Prime Minister), New Zealand
- H.E. Dr. Gro Brundtland (former Prime Minister), Norway
- H.E. Dr. Lawrence Gonzi (former Prime Minister), Malta
- H.E. Mr. Kabiné Komara (former Prime Minister), Guinea
- H.E. Mr. Luis Alberto Lacalle (former President), Uruguay
- The Rt. Hon. Sir James Mitchell (former Prime Minister), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- H.E. Mr. Jorge Quiroga (former President), Bolivia
- H.E. Dr. Danilo Türk (former President), Slovenia
- H.E. Mr. Viktor Yushchenko (former President), Ukraine
Associate Members
- H.E. Mr. Prithviraj Chavan, 17th Chief Minister of Maharashtra (India)
- H.E. Prof. Dr. Vesna Pusić, MP, Former Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and First Deputy Prime Minister (Croatia)
- Dr. Thomas Axworthy, Chair of Public Policy, Massey College, University of Toronto (Canada)
Special Guests
- Mrs. Kateryna Yushchenko, Chair, Ukraine 3000 International Foundation (Ukraine)
- Ms. Xiomara Acevedo, International Relations Professional; One Young World Ambassador (Colombia)
- Mr. Mark Anielski, President and Chief Well-being Officer, Anielski Management Inc. (Canada)
- Mr. Sebastián Arévalo Sánchez, Co-founder and CEO, Fundación Pasos Libres; One Young World Ambassador (Colombia)
- Dr. Arne Olav Brundtland, Researcher and Specialist in Security Policies and “Nordic Balance” (Norway)
- Mr. Neil Desai, Vice President, Magnet Forensics (Canada)
- Mr. Mamadou Pathe Dieng, President, Université Ahmadou Dieng (Guinea)
- Mr. Daniel Duque-Velasquez, One Young World Ambassador (Colombia)
- Ms. Carolina Garcia Arbelaez, Sustainability Manager, AB InBev; One Young World Ambassador (Colombia)
- Ms. Nchimunya Hamukoma, Researcher, The Brenthurst Foundation (South Africa)
- Dr. Alejandro (Alex) R. Jadad, Director, Institute for Global Health Equity and Innovation; Founder, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation; Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto (Canada)
- Ms. Meredith Kravitz, Ecosystem Manager, ID2020 (Canada)
- Dr. Milorad Kovacevic, Chief Statistician, UNDP (Canada)
- Mr. Sebastián Lanz Sánchez, Co-founder, Temblores NGO (Colombia)
- Ms. Laura Palmese, Environmental Law Consultant, Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW); One Young World Ambassador (Honduras)
- Prof. Mariano Rojas, Professor of Economics at Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Sede México and at Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (Mexico)
- Ms. Maria Rueda, Forensic Psychologist, Fiscalía General de la Nación; One Young World Ambassador (Colombia)
- Dr. Jeffrey Wilson, Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo; Director, Terrametrics Research Lab (Canada)