The InterAction Council held its 35th Annual Plenary Meeting in Beijing, P.R. China, from 28 to 30 September 2018.
This meeting was comprised of the following sessions:
- Present State of the World, The Global Economy and the War on Trade
- Artificial Intelligence, The Coming Wave: Opportunities and Challenges
- Climate Change, Plastics and the Health of the Planet
- The Future Agenda
InterAction Council Members
- The Hon. Bertie Ahern, Co-Chairman (former Prime Minister), Ireland
- H.E. Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo, Co-Chairman (former President), Nigeria
- The Rt. Hon. Jean Chrétien, Honorary Co-Chairman (former Prime Minister), Canada
- H.E. Dr. Oscar Arias (former President), Costa Rica
- The Rt. Hon. James Bolger (former Prime Minister), New Zealand
- H.E. Dr. Lawrence Gonzi (former Prime Minister), Malta
- H.E. Mr. Kabiné Komara (former Prime Minister), Guinea
- H.E. Mr. Bronisław Komorowski (former President), Poland
- H.E. Mr. Luis Alberto Lacalle (former President), Uruguay
- H.E. Dr. Lee Hong Koo (former Prime Minister), Korea
- H.E. Mr. Péter Medgyessy (former Prime Minister), Hungary
- The Rt. Hon. Sir James Mitchell (former Prime Minister), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- H.E. Mr. Benjamin Mkapa (former President), Tanzania
- H.E. Mr. Andrés Pastrana (former President), Colombia
- H.E. Mr. Jorge Quiroga (former President), Bolivia
- The Rt. Hon. Mr. Tung Chee Hwa (former Chief Executive), Hong Kong Administration
- H.E. Dr. Danilo Türk (former President), Slovenia
- H.E. Dr. George Vassiliou (former President), Cyprus
Associate Members
- H.E. Mr. Prithviraj Chavan, 17th Chief Minister of Maharashtra (India)
- The Hon. Christy Clark, former Premier of British Columbia (Canada)
- H.E. Mr. William F. Weld, former Governor of Massachusetts (US)
- Dr. Thomas Axworthy, Chair of Public Policy, Massey College, University of Toronto (Canada)
Special Guests
- H.E. Mr. Gian Franco Terenzi, former Captain Regent (Head of State) of San Marino
- Mrs. Kateryna Yushchenko, Chair, Ukraine 3000 International Foundation (Ukraine)
- Ms. Muriel Clauson, CEO and Founder, Oppticity; Doctoral Candidate and research fellow, University of Georgia and Emory University (US)
- Mr. Zakary Dychtwald, Founder, Young China Group; Author, Young China: How the Restless Generation Will Change Their Country and the World (US)
- Dr. Kai Fang, Deputy Director of Environmental & Energy Policy Center, Zhejiang University (P.R. China)
- Dr. Gauden Galea, WHO Representative in the People’s Republic of China
- Ms. Holly Kaufman, President, Environment & Enterprise Strategies; Advisor, Center for Carbon Removal (US)
- Dr. Peng Gong, Professor and Chair, Department of Earth System Science; Dean, School of Science, Tsinghua University (P.R. China)
- Ms. Dakota Gruener, Executive Director, ID2020 (US)
- Mr. David Harmon, Vice President, Global Public Affairs, Huawei Technologies (Ireland)
- Mr. Guowen Lu, President, Zhejiang University Alumni Association of North America (P.R. China)
- H.E. Dr. Sawsan Majali, Senator, Jordanian Senate (Jordan)
- H.E. Amb. John McCallum, Ambassador of Canada to the People’s Republic of China (Canada)
- Dr. Joanna Nurse, Strategic Advisor, InterAction Council; former Head of Health and Education, the Commonwealth (UK)
- H.E. Amb. Eoin O’Leary, Ambassador of Ireland to the People’s Republic of China (Ireland)
- Dr. Tina J. Park, Co-founder & Executive Director, Canadian Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto (Canada)
- Mr. Alexander Rafael, Co-founder and Director, Climb Credit (US)
- Mr. Robert Sandford, Senior Advisor on Water Issues, InterAction Council; EPCOR Chair for Water and Climate Security at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (Canada)
- Mr. Guy L. Smith, Senior Counselor, The Hawthorn Group, Global Public Affairs & Advocacy; Principal Member, Votary Niccolò LLC, Special Situations Counsel (US)
- Mr. Henry Danjing Wen, Senior Advisor on Business, InterAction Council; CEO, Foundation of World Leadership (P.R. China)
- Dr. Chao Wu, Research Professor in School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University (P.R. China)
- Dr. Weiwen Zhang, Professor and Vice Dean, School of Public Affairs; Founding Director, Center for New Urbanization, Zhejiang University (P.R. China)
- Mr. Zhu Haibin, President, WS Mall (P.R. China)
- Dr. Moneef Zou’bi, Science Advisor, InterAction Council; Director General, Islamic World Academy of Sciences (Jordan)